Team - Man City
SUMMER 2023.24 JUNIOR LEAGUES Friday U9s Black Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
Super Awesome Cool Dynamite soccer Squadron 1313001293839911.000
Man Utd 1210201207230480.833
Liverpool 13760946821260.538
Messi Wannabes 13760997921200.538
Man City 132110661226-560.154
Wildcat Saints 130130601790-1190.000
Golden Boot
1Bailey Donovan 12
2Chase Drewett 11
3Jaxon Westley 8
4Klay Morris 8
5Vann Gasson 3
6Ashton Markham 2
 Jugador#Player of the Match
1Klay Morris 2
2Chase Drewett 1
1Chase Drewett 9
2Jaxon Westley 9
3Connor Hetherington 9
4Ashton Markham 8
5Vann Gasson 7
6Klay Morris 6
7Bailey Donovan 5